Are you interested in amazing facts?
Check this out:
Check this out:
Welcome back to school after lockdown! :-)
Christmas, New Year
Najbrž že kar precej veš o prazničnih navadah tudi po angleško.
Preveri se s kvizoma:
Preveri se s kvizoma:
Kahoot kviz Christmas. Game PIN: 07055793
Kahoot kviz New Year. Game PIN: 06205755
Jesenske počitnice doma in že malo dolgčas? Preveri spodaj:
Kviz nasprotja - klikni na številko pred izbranim odgovorom
Life in Britain
Would you like to know more about life in Britain? Watch some videos.
And now the differences between life in the UK and the USA:
How much / how many ?
Exercise 1
The quantity quiz: ugibaj ali poišči podatke na internetu
posamezni in primerjava dveh časov: vaje
VAJA z vsemi časi
Posamezni časi, izberi zahtevnost: VAJE
Superlative geography - povezava na stran o geografskih rekordih
ADJECTIVES: 100 adjectives you must know
PRIHODNOST: namen, dogovor, predvidevanje, ...
What are you doing today?
Kaj delaš danes - trenutno in v nadaljevanju dneva?
Fortune Teller, Maroon 5
A video: What will the world be like in 50 years time? Some predictions.
Best of Guinness Book of Records 2019 video:
as ... as idioms:
Besedišče: 'Modern inventions' and computer equipment - odprti seznam
Check your adjectives:
Comparing - Primerjanje
Comparative form:
Vaje primerjanja:
Več sobesedila in bogatejše besedišče:
Read (and listen to the text ) about some great inventors and their inventions:
Modern Inventions – The Reason for Laziness
We have surrounded ourselves with every kind of technological invention ever created by the mankind. read more: https://www.study-domain.com/modern-inventions-the-reason-for-laziness/
Wild flowers: A summary of the story
Write a summary on your own or copy this text.
The students in Tom's class were doing a project
on wild flowers when suddenly Mr Roberts lost his job at the school. Miss Kay
said that Mr Roberts stole the science exam paper but Tom didn't believe this. He
put a question on the notice board and then he got a horrible message on his
phone. The next day Tom was walkin7g across the playing field when he saw Miss
Kay and her boyfriend. They wanted to sell the playing field and get lots of
money. Neesha got her father's tape recorder and Tom took it to Miss Kay's
house. When Miss Kay's boyfriend locked him in the dining room, he recorded the
conversation. Neesha took the tape to the police and they arrested Miss Kay and
her boyfriend. After that Mr Roberts came back to the school and Tom and Neesha
were heroes.
Vaje za različne glagolske čase:
(Grammar Tenses)
Preteklik past continuous
Poglej si spodnje primere:
The Tower of London
Zanimivo! https://kids.kiddle.co/Tower_of_London
Sedanjika - present simple in present continuous:
Vaje - sedanjik:
Present Continuous: https://interaktivne-vaje.si/anglescina/grammar_6_9r/present_continuous.html
Present simple in present continuous: https://interaktivne-vaje.si/anglescina/grammar_6_9r/present_simple_present_continuous.html
Places in a town: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/around-town
At the train station: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading/beginner-a1-reading/train-station
A dialogue: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading/beginner-a1/text-messages-to-a-friend
Asking the way, giving directions:
Dodatno, napredno:
Kako opisati, kaj nekdo dela (poklic):
Kako je že rekla? Arnes, pomoč pri učenju angleščine?
Irregular verbs? No problem!
Preveri svojo spretnost rabe nepravilnih glagolov s spletnimi vajami:
Izgovorjava s primeri (še več glagolov kot smo se jih učili pri pouku):
101 Irregular Verbs - Past Tense in English
Jobs and professions:
Watch a video about Jane Goodall:
You're welcome to watch some other videos about famous people and their amazing work. Perhaps a serious one like this:
School in Britain:
Life in the Antarctic
British and Amrican English - How to understand the differences
Intervju z Luko Dončičem, kjer je lepo slišati vprašanja:
Intervju s Primožem Rogličem (pred zmago na Vuelti): https://sport.tirol/en/stories/interview-primoz-roglic-skijumping-bergisel.html
Kako izrazimo mnenje o nečem - poglej video in poskusi sam-a: