petek, 11. december 2020

It's that time of year

Can you believe it?

A couple more days and it'll be

Either you prefer some days off school or you are keen on holiday traditions, everybody is just looking forward to that 24th when we finish what we've been doing and begin a completely new period, even if just for a couple of hours. But let it be days, weeks even, of that pleasant feeling of being among the people that love you and care for you and the unbeatable hope that everything will be all right.

Let's all be very dilligent and work hard the last few days so we can all have a merry Christmas, although a humble one this year. 

četrtek, 12. november 2020

Reading online?

Is reading online after hours of schoolwork done on the computer good? Is keeping up with what's going on in the world good? It's up to you to decide (and your parents; if they are in doubt, perhaps this article can help: 5 Benefits of reading online).

Here is a good source of news - you can choose the topic and the level - easy or more genuine. I hope you find some good news. :-)

News in levels (for students of English)

Or do you prefer reading books? Great! Check out the free online books. No need to subscribe.

Read Children's Books Online 

ponedeljek, 2. november 2020

Prolonged autumn holidays

Lucky we - we get a free week off school!

It's probably better to think of it that way instead of just another week of quarantine. Mind you, staying safe is not only avoiding contact, but making sure we're in good shape, physically and mentally.

Here's an interesting article about the important things during quarantine.

Take care, everybody! 

nedelja, 11. oktober 2020

A passion for English

Do you fell the British accent is something special? More sophisticated, full of culture and tradition and at the same time so modern.

Would you like to acquire it? Why not?

četrtek, 24. september 2020


26. septembra v Evropi že od leta 2001 praznujemo in vzpodbujamo jezikovno raznolikost in vseživljenjsko učenje jezikov, s čimer vzpodbujamo tudi medkulturno razumevanje.

Na šoli ta dan vsako leto obeležimo nekoliko drugače. 

Letos oblikujemo zaščitne maske, preko katerih pripovedujemo, katere jezike govorimo in se želimo učiti. Hkrati sporočamo, da je kljub zaostrenim družbenim razmerah, ko je potovanje v druge države omejeno, in v trenutni situaciji, ko moramo skoraj povsod nositi maske, naša želja po razumevanju in sporazumevanju s preostalim svetom še močnejša.

Poleg tega bo skupina učencev sodelovala v mednarodnem kvizu na spletu 'Celebrate Language Online Quiz'.

Ob tem dnevu se lahko preizkusiš v raznih dejavnostih povezanih z različnimi jeziki:

- jezikovne igre

- zanimiva dejstva o jeziku

- jezikovna zabava

In zakaj bi se v teh časih želeli učiti druge jezike? 

Prisluhni Matthew-u, ki je pravi poliglot* (govori veliko tujih jezikov).

nedelja, 7. junij 2020

Back to school after the pandemic

Dear students!
It wasn't easy, was it?
Staying at home, doing things for school, making sure you catch up with all the assignments for all the subjects and hand in, or better, send all the 'proves of learning' to more or less persistent teachers that would not let you avoid responsibilities, fearing that you might oversleep and miss a video class, listening to your parents telling you school is your own responsibility and that you have to be (more) responsible, ... and you tell me what else you had to endure during the quarantine.
I can imagine.
So, why were you a bit puzzled when you were told you could go back to school. Why did it come down to you had to go back to school?
After the first week, I hope you've loosen up a bit and actually started to appreciate the opportunity to hang out with friends, get that explanation of what you were supposed to do that was really hard to understand from the witten instructions, had a few good moments away from home, and not such a bad time at all.
And I hope school isn't hard for you these last few weeks, but a manageable if not enjoyable period of time before you are off again for your fast-approacing summer holidays.
Let's make it the best end of the school year we can - together. 

torek, 21. april 2020


This week we celebrate Earth Day
Why not watch this wonderful full episode of Our Planet from Netlix
about the stunning life on Earth

Enjoy and rejoyce 
for we live on the most amazing planet there could ever be. 
And its ours to keep.

torek, 14. april 2020


While we've had some great weather so far, April showers are also a must, so don't complain!
If you're feeling blue after the holidays, having to do so much work for school again, perhaps singing in English can help. 
In the video there are some great suggestions and Vanessa from Learn English with Vanessa explains why they are really good for your English. 

1. Billy Joel: Uptown Girl (a classic)
2. The Beatles: We Can Work It Out
3. Leonard Cohen: Hallelujah
4. Queen: Somebody To Love
5. Jason Mraz: I'm yours
6. Pharrell Williams: Happy
7. Carly Rae Jepsen: Call Me Maybe
8. Taylor Swift: Shake It Off
9. Miley Cyrus: Jolene
10. Ed Sheeran: Perfect
11. Maroon 5: This Love

četrtek, 9. april 2020


Some traditions in English speaking countries. 

What about this year? This is what the Australians are planning:

And here's a cute and easy-to-make DIY idea.
Lahko si poenostavite postopek z uporabo razredčenega Mekola namesto škrobnega lepila.

petek, 3. april 2020


Do you need a bigger challenge? 

Take a fluency test (with TV series FRIENDS) and find out what level you are.

Nekaj virov dobrih člankov in govorov zate, ki želiš VEČ: 

TED VIDEOs: primer: The Coronavirus - poglej video, preveri se s kvizom Think

Še več različnih tem

lahko prisluhneš govorom razmišljajočih mladih govorcevTED youth talks

Lahko slediš novicam in izbereš nivo zahtevnostiNEWS IN ENGLISH

Or, just follow some great bloggers and watch videos.

nedelja, 22. marec 2020

Study at home

Na teh straneh najdeš zanimive videe 

in povezave na vaje

ki so povezane z redno snovjo.

Ker ste pri osvajanju novih struktur prepuščeni sami sebi, 
vam res priporočam spletne vaje  
(takoj vidiš, če prav rešuješ;
poskusi rešiti nalogo tako / tolikokrat, da bo 'vse prav').

Povezava z vajami za vse 'čase' in strukture:
Interaktivne vaje - arnes pomoč pri učenju angleščine

Is this you?

Or is this you?

Either the first or the second, you might want to check out these tips on how to be well-organised for studying at home:

Rezultat iskanja slik za keep calm and practise your english

 POČITNIŠKI IZZIVI Ugotovi, od kod je ta angleškogovoreči govorec (naglas) - video . British or American English? Kako poimenuješ, kar vidiš...