četrtek, 12. november 2020

Reading online?

Is reading online after hours of schoolwork done on the computer good? Is keeping up with what's going on in the world good? It's up to you to decide (and your parents; if they are in doubt, perhaps this article can help: 5 Benefits of reading online).

Here is a good source of news - you can choose the topic and the level - easy or more genuine. I hope you find some good news. :-)

News in levels (for students of English)

Or do you prefer reading books? Great! Check out the free online books. No need to subscribe.

Read Children's Books Online 

 POČITNIŠKI IZZIVI Ugotovi, od kod je ta angleškogovoreči govorec (naglas) - video . British or American English? Kako poimenuješ, kar vidiš...