petek, 11. december 2020

It's that time of year

Can you believe it?

A couple more days and it'll be

Either you prefer some days off school or you are keen on holiday traditions, everybody is just looking forward to that 24th when we finish what we've been doing and begin a completely new period, even if just for a couple of hours. But let it be days, weeks even, of that pleasant feeling of being among the people that love you and care for you and the unbeatable hope that everything will be all right.

Let's all be very dilligent and work hard the last few days so we can all have a merry Christmas, although a humble one this year. 

 POČITNIŠKI IZZIVI Ugotovi, od kod je ta angleškogovoreči govorec (naglas) - video . British or American English? Kako poimenuješ, kar vidiš...